Wednesday, April 13, 2011


  1. Suburbanization takes place when central cities lose population to surrounding areas.
  2. Developing technology and communication systems, as well as transportation improvement has made suburbanization possible.
  3. The need of public services without tax base to provide them, is the central city dilema.
  4. Gentrification is the developement of low-income areas by middle-class home buyers, landlords, and professional developers.
  5. Yes, gentrification has occured in Dallas, Downtown Dallas expecially.
  6. Edge city is a smaller, more focused version of an urban downtown.
  7. An edge city has alreadydeveloped both south and west of downtown.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Cultural Diversity

My neighborhood is beyond culturally divided. It is people of every race everywhere. We have a melting pot in my community. From Hispanics, to Mexicans, Whites, Africans, Chineses, Japaneses, and of course African Americans, all in a combined community. It's not a difference between us to me. We are all the same people, just colored different. When new people arrive into my neighborhood, I personally don't see a problem with them. I don't offend them by being racial or anything. I treat them as an equal like they are. But, there are people in my neighborhood who is ethnocentric. They tend to look at people differently because of their culture difference, and most times, easily annoyed by them. I don't feel like we should judge each other because a part of our culture is imported to where they originally are from, just the same as a part of their culture is presented to us.

Friday, April 1, 2011

DOMA (Homosexual Marriage)

I don't believe that no one should ever be judged for what they are, and who it is they are married to. No one has the power to point the finger at no one else for what decisions they make relationship wise because it's not their fault who thwy fall in love with, and love has no exact target. Yes, it may be disturbing to the eye. But, so, we do live in a free country and we are suppose to be protected by a constitution that oultines our personal and non-personal rights as a person. No where in the constitution does it state that homosexual marriage is not to;erated and won't be accepted. I just believe that everyone is free of their own actions and decisions and no one should attempt to appoint them a specific gender to be with. I am not bothered by them and they don't bother no one just the same. But, a state agreeing to tolerate it or not is that state's decision, but I don't think they should be unrecognized. If two people of the same gender married then they married and that's final.


My opinion is an opinion and always will be, just the same as everyone else who has a word on whether or not abortion is right, wrong, fare, or unfair. I believe that everyone should have the right to choose whether or not they want to abort their child, because in the end it will be them taking care of that child. I personally don't believe that a man should tell a woman whether or not having an abortion is wrong due to their great amount of absence in childrens lives. Besides, the percentage of African American abortions compared to White Women abortion rates are only in a 3% difference; placing mixed children in the same category as African Americans.

The billboard brought about some offense to me as well as I believe it brought about offense to the African American race because it makes our women look like some typeof murderer. Plus, it precieves us as bad people because of the interpretation of abortions that we have. I don't believe that no woman wishes to hurt or harm her child ever. They just aren't always able to provide for their child. So, my concern is with women's lack of responsibility in protecting themselvs so they won't be seen as a life theif.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My name is Shaquilla Givens and I am very excited to study and learn sociology. I am overwhelmed and delighted with learning about group relationship interactions and why we act the way that we do. I am interested in majoring in sociology as well as psychology so this should give me a fill on what it is I will be studying as a college student. I hope you have fun on my page and feel free to leave me posts.